Thursday 12 January 2012

Food for Soul

SOUL.....! the very essence of

soul....that precious thing that is cooconed inside the harder shell ..our body.

have i treated it right? have i kept it happy? have i given it the right nourishment it needs... well ... i don't know because of the simple reason that in the daily hustle bustle of life i ignored it , i let it be in a corner and kept telling her 'it's ok just wait there.'

now, perhaps the time has come to feed my hungry soul! hungry? well yes . it's hungry. it's hungry for growth, for nourishment, for positive energy..... and a lot more!

so i thought and thought about it.. what do i do how do i feed my soul??! and how do i know it's satisfied? well the answer was actually very simple. whenever i did some thing that enriched my mind, satisfied my concience....brought an inner deep smile on my face , i knew my soul was smilling too. it was happy it felt alive and kicking!!! as it is right now as i write this!

my soul wanted me to write and write and write long ago. but i held myself in chains. chanis of anxitey,embrassement,and opnions of people. but i guess i decided to give in and do what my dear friend wanted me to really do.

so here i am, writing to u all...who all i don't know.. but i sure do know that there are millions of hungry souls awating to be heard... !

and as i'm writing my soul is happy...cause it knows that now on she is going to get her 'HAPPY MEAL!!'